Getting our education should not and does not have to be this hard. It is possible to reduce fees and student debt if the BC government prioritizes investing more in the post-secondary system.
Together, we can rise up and make that happen.
Students can put pressure on decision-makers and force them to make our issues a priority. Students have influenced many successful policy changes over the years including the elimination of interest on student loans and the creation of the BC Access grant; when we stand together our voices are impactful.
It’s time for the next victory. It’s time to reduce tuition fees for all learners in BC.
We are calling on the BC government to:
Freeze then progressively reduce the cost of all tuition fees;
Increase funding to the BC Access Grant;
Cap international student tuition fee increases at 2% annually; and
Invest $500 million, annually, to the province’s public post-secondary institutes’ operational funding.