We deserve an education, not a lifetime of debt.
Our Campaign
RISE UP is a campaign developed by the British Columbia Federation of Students (BCFS), a provincial alliance of more than170,000 students at 14 universities, colleges, and institutes in every part of the province.
Together we work to provide students with an effective and unified voice to increase access to education.
Learn more about the advocacy of the BC Federation of Students.
We are calling on the BC government to:
Freeze then progressively reduce the cost of all tuition fees;
Increase funding to the BC Access Grant;
Cap international student tuition fee increases at 2% annually; and
Invest $500 million, annually, to the province’s public post-secondary institutes’ operational funding.

Our Solutions
Getting our education does not have to be this hard. It is possible to reduce fees and student debt if the BC government prioritizes investing in post-secondary education.
Learn more about the policy changes we believe will have the biggest impact on affordability for students in BC.
Take Action
Student debt continues to rise as government funding falls—it’s time to reverse the trend.
Join thousands of students across BC and take quick, and meaningful action to make post-secondary education more affordable and accessible.
Past Student Victories
The major wins of the student movement are a result of collective action. Students in B.C. have worked together since 1975 to achieve tuition-free adult basic education in 2017, the creation of the BC Access Grant in 2020, and the elimination of interest on student loans in 2019 and 2023.
Our Members